
Shared Memory

We separate between three type of threads. Workers perform computations on entities. The unique scheduling thread manages dependencies of the time groups by 1) deciding what work (time group+step) is allowed to be done by the workers and 2) posting communication messages for distributed memory parallelization. The last type of threads are the communication threads progressing the MPI-communication. A thread might be a pure worker, a pure scheduling thread or a pure communication thread. However, combinations are also allowed meaning that a thread could be a worker and a scheduling thread, a worker and a communication thread, a worker+sched+comm thread, or a scheduling thread and a communication thread.

Example showing the separation of threads into workers, a scheduling thread and communication threads.
Fig. 1: Example showing the separation of threads into workers, a scheduling thread and communication threads.

Based on all available threads nth=nwo+1+ncon_\text{th}=n_\text{wo}+1+n_\text{co}, we assign the first 1nwo1\ldots n_\text{wo} threads to be the nwon_\text{wo} workers. Thread nwo+1n_\text{wo}+1 is the scheduling thread and threads nwo+2,,nwo+2+ncon_\text{wo}+2, \ldots, n_\text{wo}+2+n_\text{co} are assigned to be the ncon_\text{co} communication threads.

Work Packages

Each of the nwon_\text{wo} workers is responsible for a set of work packages. Following our entity setup, we equally distribute the entities of every time group-inner and time group-send combination to separate work packages.

Assume, for example, that rank 0 owns entities of time group #1. Here, we distribute the inner-entities of time group #1 to nwon_\text{wo} work packages, such that every worker has a unique set of entities of these inner-entities. Analogue, we distribute the send-entities of time group #1 to nwon_\text{wo} work packages, such that every worker has a unique set. For inner-entities covering the largest time group, we can most probably ensure a good load balancing since the load is high general. However, there might only exist a few inner- and especially send-entities for a specific time group. A non-blocking shared memory implementation, allowing workers to jump to work packages as early as possible, is key.

For this purpose, we define a status for every work package, which is used to signal between the workers and the scheduling thread. The possible values are RDY (ready), IPG (in progress), FIN (finished), or WAI (waiting to be scheduled).

Possible statuses of a work package. Possible status changes made by the working thread responsible for the work package are shown in red. Possible changes by the scheduling thread in blue.
Fig. 2: Possible statuses of a work package. Possible status changes made by the working thread responsible for the work package are shown in red. Possible changes by the scheduling thread in blue.

From a worker's perspective WAI means, that this work package is not ready to be progressed. This could either be because of ongoing, unfinished communication or because other workers are not finished with work packages, imposing dependencies. Once the scheduling threads decides, that a work package is ready to be worked on, it switches the corresponding status to RDY. This means that the respective worker is allowed to jump in and work on the package. However, each of the workers decides dynamically, which of the owned work packages with status RDY has highest priority. We prioritize by 1) work packages built of send-entities and 2) time step groups with smaller time step having higher priority.

Once a worker decided to work on a specific package, it switches its state from RDY to IPG, signaling that it is working on the package. Once the worked is finished with the package, it switches its state from IPG to FIN. At this point, the scheduling thread can use this information to resolve possible dependencies. If the work package is directly ready to be worked on again, the scheduling thread switches the status from FIN to RDY. Otherwise, the scheduler switches it from FIN to WAI, meaning that the work package is idle for the time being until new information allows it to be RDY again.

Scratch Memory

If requested by the application, EDGE provides scratch memory for shared memory parallelizations (see parallel/global.h). This memory is thread-private.

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

For interaction with MPI, we separate between a scheduling thread and communication threads. The single scheduling thread posts new outgoing messages (send) and incoming messages (receives) via MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv. In addition, the scheduling thread assigns a communication thread to every message. If the id -1 is used, the message is progressed by all communication threads, otherwise only by the corresponding thread. The assigned communication thread might change with every new posted message. Possible messages are given by send-elements and receive elements for all time groups.

Example of shared send- and receive-messages (top) and communication threads exclusively responsible for certain messages (bottom).
Fig. 3: Example of shared send- and receive-messages (top) and communication threads exclusively responsible for certain messages (bottom).

Communication threads continuously iterate over all possible messages and check if new requests arrived for them. In the case any new responsibility arrived for a thread, it is added to a thread-private list hosting all of the thread's messages. Each communication thread iterates over its list (if not empty) multiple time using MPI_Test to progress MPI before checking for new messages again.

We assign each message a unique identifier (tag), which is based on all possible time group combinations. If ntgrpsn_\text{tgrps} describes the number of time groups for the entire domain, this gives a total of ntgrps×ntgrpsn_\text{tgrps} \times n_\text{tgrps} possible values for the tag.

Example of tags attached to send (top) and receive (bottom) messages. Rank 0 works on elements of time groups 2-4. The elements of time group 2 neighbor elements in time group 1-4 on different ranks, time group 3 neighbors 1-3, while time group number 4 only neighbors time groups 3 and 4.
Fig. 4: Example of tags attached to send (top) and receive (bottom) messages. Rank 0 works on elements of time groups 2-4. The elements of time group 2 neighbor elements in time group 1-4 on different ranks, time group 3 neighbors 1-3, while time group number 4 only neighbors time groups 3 and 4.


Flow and dependencies of the ADER-DG scheme for the elastic wave equations with source terms.
Fig. 5: Flow and dependencies of the ADER-DG scheme for the elastic wave equations with source terms.
Flow and dependencies of the ADER-DG scheme for the elastic wave equations with rupture physics. The indexing is shared with the source term implementation, resulting in a non-ascending numbering.
Fig. 6: Flow and dependencies of the ADER-DG scheme for the elastic wave equations with rupture physics. The indexing is shared with the source term implementation, resulting in a non-ascending numbering.


We support two type of meshes, regular meshes and unstructured meshes. Regular meshes are generated at runtime and based on regular domain decompositions into lines (1D), quads (2D) or hexes (3D). In contrast, the unstructured meshes are read from disk and parsed through the library MOAB.


Remark: The current implementation does not respect the inner-send-recv-ordering for the vertices; additionally global ids of entities are set to dummy values only.


In 2D we divide a given quadrilateral domain first in quadrilateral elements. In the next step we derive the partitions. Next, for each MPI-rank we derive the element ids and adjacency info.

Decomposition of a non-periodic 100-element quadrilateral domain in four partitions. The element ids for partition 3 are given as an example.
Fig. 7: Decomposition of a non-periodic 100-element quadrilateral domain in four partitions. The element ids for partition 3 are given as an example.


Triangular domain decomposition follow the quadrilateral layout by splitting each quad in two triangles.

Decomposition of a non-periodic 200-element triangular domain in four partitions. The element ids for partition 3 are given as an example.
Fig. 8: Decomposition of a non-periodic 200-element triangular domain in four partitions. The element ids for partition 3 are given as an example.


Decomposition of a 360-element hexahedral domain in eight partitions.
Fig. 9: Decomposition of a 360-element hexahedral domain in eight partitions.


The tetrahedral domain decomposition follows the hexahedral layout by splitting each hex in five tets. We use the two splittings/types A and B in alternating order to reach a conforming tetrahedral mesh.

The two basic splittings A (left) and B (right) of a hex into tets. The mapping of nodes to hex-local tet-ids and faces is shown on the left/right.
Fig. 10: The two basic splittings A (left) and B (right) of a hex into tets. The mapping of nodes to hex-local tet-ids and faces is shown on the left/right.

Therefore, in the case of periodic boundaries, the number of hexes in every dimension is required to be a multiple of 2.


Unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes are support through MOAB.

Global Ids

We define global ids (unique identifiers across all ranks) for vertices, faces and elements. In the case of vertices and elements we reproduce the initial ids as defined in the mesh-file (tested for gmsh-only), for faces we use the ids provided by MOAB's assign_global_ids. This differentiation is important since assign_global_ids overwrites the original mesh ids. Therefore our approach ensures consistency for element- and vertex-ids, even when different numbers of ranks are involved. For example, this allows following initialization-routines to perform unique mappings to reference elements and thus to ensure bit-reproducibility.

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